Mono-Directional Inverters
E24 offers Mono-Directional Energy Storage Inverters from 3KW to 600KW per unit in different models:
ESIMO1 and ESIMOP are Off-Grid inverters with buil-in MPPT solar input from 2.4KW to 5KW.
ESIM1 is an online Modular Energy Storage Inverter capable of uninterrupted power with external solar integration from 6KW to 60KW in single phase.
ESIM3 is an online Modular Energy Storage Inverter capable of uninterrupted power with external solar integration from 10KW to 1200KW in three phases.
ESIM3D is an online Modular Decentralized Energy Storage Inverter capable of uninterrupted power with external solar integration from 50KW to 2400KW in three phases.
ESIM3C is an online Modular Decentralized Energy Storage Inverter capable of uninterrupted power with external solar integration from 300KW to 3000KW in three phases.
E24 delivers Energy Storage equipment from factory to end user through its international logistic hubs. E24 assists its clients to properly configure their systems in a manner to optimize return on investment.
For small projects, clients may install the systems by themselves. For medium size and large Installations, E24 refers its clients to the nearest E24 authorized installer. Click on the below to download the brochure.
P300E - Mono-Directional, Single Phase, Off-Line
P301E - Mono-Directional, Three Phase, Off-Line
P302E - Single Phase, On-Line, N+X
P303E - Three Phase, Modular, On-Line
P304E - Three Phase, Rackmount, On-Line, Decentralized
P305E - Three Phase, Modular, Online Industrial